Bas van den Brink’s work on applying model-based testing to microservices has been accepted as a proceedings contribution to BENEVOL’22. He is supervised by Ana Oprescu, Tannaz Zameni (University of Twente), Lammert Vinke (Info Support), and Dr.
Please send your Bachelor and/or Master thesis nominations here. There is a special second track supporting diversity. Contact Ana at a.m.oprescu[at] for any questions or clarifications.
Ana Oprescu presented her paper on the Energy Cost and Accuracy of K-anonymity in ICT4S (Mon 13 - Fri 17 June 2022 Plovdiv, Bulgaria).
Abstract: European Union has aggregated the current societal concerns into two seemingly orthogonal directions: the Green Deal and the GDPR.
Nuria Bruch, supervised by Ana Oprescu, Miroslav Zivkovic and Lodewijk Bergmans wins the VERSEN Master Thesis Award for her work on measuring the degree of library dependency!
The usage of libraries, both commercial and open-source, encapsulating the implementation of certain functionalities is a widespread practice among developers.
During the Rijeka SusTrainable summer school (4-8 July 2022, Rijeka, Croatia) organised by the Erasmus+ project SusTrainable Ana Oprescu gave a lecture on the methodologies employed for Energy-driven Software Engineering research.
Last week we had a visit from Inder Monga, director ESnet, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In this visit we had many discussions on the already 2 decades of working together on different advanced networking topics.
Scientific Large Scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies -preparation project (SLICES-PP) is a project with 25 partners and a budget of 3 M€ for 4 years. The UvA will receive 303 K€ and it will be led by Yuri Demchenko of the Informatics Institute.
The paper “UMLsec4Edge: Extending UMLsec to model data-protection-compliant edge computing systems” has been accepted as a full paper at the 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2022).
As of 1 June 2022, leadership of the Complex Cyber Infrastructure research group was transferred from Prof. Cees de Laat to Dr. Zoltan Mann. Cees de Laat chaired the System and Network Engineering (SNE) research group since 2006.