Seamless Integration and Testing for MAS Engineering


Testing undeniably plays a central role in the daily practice of software engineering, and this explains why better and more efficient libraries and services are continuously made available to developers and designers. Could the MAS developers community similarly benefit from utilizing state-of-the-art testing approaches? The paper investigates the possibility of bringing modern software testing tools as those used in mainstream software engineering into multi-agent systems engineering. Our contribution explores and illustrates, by means of a concrete example, the possible interactions between the agent-based programming framework ASC2 (AgentScript Cross-Compiler) and various testing approaches (unit/agent testing, integration/system testing, continuous integration) and elaborate on how the design choices of ASC2 enable these interactions.

In Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS Workshop)
Giovanni Sileno
Giovanni Sileno
Assistant Professor
Tom van Engers
Tom van Engers
Full Professor (FDR)

I conduct research on AI & Law, with a particular focus on normative reasoning. Having a track record in AI & Law research going back to 1983, I have worked both on knowledge-driven as well as data-driven AI approaches.
