Teaching in the Bachelor Information Science

Afstudeerproject BSc Informatiekunde

In this course Bachelor Information Science students setup and execute a research project exploring an Information Science related research topic under guidance of a researcher. The project results in a bachelor thesis, published in the UvA thesis database.

Modelleren en Ontwerpen

The course Modelling and Design is focused on learning domain modelling, and how to create formalised representation. Whilst applying modelling techniques, a broader architectural view is taken, in which students are made aware of choices in e.

Organisatie: analyse en ontwikkeling

In the course Organisational Analysis and Developement (in Dutch Organisatieontwikkeling and -ontwikkeling) we study how collaborations between organisations influence IT-architectures that support cross-organisational collaboration. Particularly, we focus on data-sharing aspects and usage control that is required to create trust essential to collaboration.


The course Network Organisation is focused on the questions why and how organisations collaborate in a complex environment. Studying those collaborations students are aimed to get better insights in how organisations function in a dynamic context.