
SLICES-PP Receives Funding from the European Commission

Scientific Large Scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies -preparation project (SLICES-PP) is a project with 25 partners and a budget of 3 M€ for 4 years. The UvA will receive 303 K€ and it will be led by Yuri Demchenko of the Informatics Institute.

Paper accepted at SEAA 2022

The paper “UMLsec4Edge: Extending UMLsec to model data-protection-compliant edge computing systems” has been accepted as a full paper at the 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2022).

Change of Group Leadership

As of 1 June 2022, leadership of the Complex Cyber Infrastructure research group was transferred from Prof. Cees de Laat to Dr. Zoltan Mann. Cees de Laat chaired the System and Network Engineering (SNE) research group since 2006.