At the 10th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), Ana and Pepijn organise a workshop on Sustainable Privacy Enhancing Techniques!
The project LICORICE (reLIable and sCalable tOols foR self-sovereIgn identity and data proteCtion framEwork) is a pan-European cooperation of research and industry players, focusing on developing the next generation of tools and technologies for identity management and data protection.
On 4 April 2024, Mostafa Mohajeri Parizi successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled: An Agent-based Approach to the Governance of Complex Cyber-Infrastructures. Mostafa’s PhD work was supervised by Tom van Engers, Sander Klous, and Giovanni Sileno.
The project Challenges in Cyber Security is a cooperation of five Dutch institutions (CWI, RU, TU/e, UvA, and VU) with the aim of making fundamental contributions to security research. It is one of the seven projects in the Netherlands to receive an NWO Gravitation grant this year, providing altogether 21.
The article Assessing data remnants in modern smartphones after factory reset, published in September 2023 in the journal Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, has won the Best Paper Award 2023. The paper was selected from a list of high-quality research papers published in FSI:DI over the past two years.
Join our team! We have an open Assistant Professor position in the area of Future Cloud Computing Technologies. Potential research topics include green cloud computing, data management in cloud computing, security and privacy in cloud computing, cloud services for machine learning, sovereignty of cloud services, software engineering for cloud-based software, cloud-to-edge continuum.
On 16 February 2024, Xin Zhou successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “From Empowering to Motivating: Enhancing Policy Enforcement through Process Design and Incentive Implementation”. Xin’s PhD work was supervised by Cees de Laat and Tom van Engers, and co-supervised by Adam Belloum and Sander Klous.
The paper titled iCoLa+: An extensible meta-language with support for exploratory language development by Damian Frolich and L. Thomas van Binsbergen is accepted by the Journal of Systems and Software.
The primary goal of the document is to describe the AMdEX approach to sharing data and the AMdEX reference architecture comprised of governance solutions and technical solutions. Central to the approach are the AMdEX community members that cooperate as a consortium within AMdEX dataspaces and within a certain ecosystem.
During SPLASH, Thomas was awarded the ACM Distinguished Reviewer award for his role on the programme committee of the Software Language Engineering conference.