Tom van Engers

Tom van Engers

Full Professor (FDR)

University of Amsterdam


About Tom

I conduct research on AI & Law, with a particular focus on normative reasoning. Having a track record in AI & Law research going back to 1983, I have worked both on knowledge-driven as well as data-driven AI approaches. I was coordinator of many international and national research projects. I’m involved in 4 recently started NWO-sponsored research projects and a fifth that will start as of 2020. All these projects have in common that the AI for the corresponding application domains will keep the systems behavior within socially, ethically and legally acceptable borders, in other words provide that we’ll have normative control over those systems. The fundamental research conducted in the Leibniz Institute, a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam, with two participating faculties, the faculty of Science and the faculty of Law, and TNO with a focus on applied research will enable TNO to extend its position of thought leader in conscientious AI.
